You are entering an IRC Network, so all IRC Commands are valid. To learn about all of the things you can do with commands, look below the chatroom.

Choose any username you wish, but pay attention upon entering the network, as you may have taken someone else's username. You will be prompted to change the name if that is the case, or you will automatically revert to "guest" status. Change your username while in the chat room by typing (without the quotes) "/nick USERNAME"

[return to TruthLoveEnergy]
[return to TheMichaelTeachings.NET]

/join [#] use to join a channel /join #newbies
/part [#] use to leave a channel /part #newbies
/leave [#] same as part /leave #newbies
/quit (message) use to quit IRC. A message may be added to the command, but is optional. /quit see ya'll later!
/whois [nick] used to get info on a nick. /whois pipur
/whowas [nick] used to get info on a nick that has just left IRC or a person who has just changed their nick. /whowas pipur
/who [#] shows nicks, addresses, and optional user info if available for users on a channel /who #newbies
/names [#] shows nicks of users on a channel /names #newbies
/msg [nick] [message] sends a private message (whisper) to a user /msg pipur hello there
/query [nick] opens a new window for private dialog with a nick /query pipur
/nick [newnick] if I wanted to change my current nick, pipurur, to pipur, I would use this command /nick pipur
/me [action describe] If pipur typed this example, it would be displayed as *pipur waves to Alleghany /me waves to Alleghany
/away [away message] use to tell others you are not currently at your computer. A message can be included. To set yourself back, type /away again. /away checking mail!
/list requests a list of currently formed channels from the server. The listing you request is not updated until you issue the request again. /list
/invite [nick] [#] use to invite a nick who is elsewhere on IRC to join you on a channel. /invite pipur #newbies
/ignore [nick/address] use to prevent someone from talking to you. The persons nick or address may be used. /ignore pipur
/kick [#] [nick] used to kick a user from the channel. You must be a channel op to use this command. /kick #newbies pipur
/mode [nick] +i This is the invisible mode. You are not literally invisible on IRC. Users on the same channel as you still see you there.You are invisible to a user who does a /who or /names. A /whois nick, however, will show your user information and the channels you're on. /mode pipur +i