/join [#] | use to join a channel | /join #newbies |
/part [#] | use to leave a channel | /part #newbies |
/leave [#] | same as part | /leave #newbies |
/quit (message) | use to quit IRC. A message may be added to the command, but is optional. | /quit see ya'll later! |
/whois [nick] | used to get info on a nick. | /whois pipur |
/whowas [nick] | used to get info on a nick that has just left IRC or a person who has just changed their nick. | /whowas pipur |
/who [#] | shows nicks, addresses, and optional user info if available for users on a channel | /who #newbies |
/names [#] | shows nicks of users on a channel | /names #newbies |
/msg [nick] [message] | sends a private message (whisper) to a user | /msg pipur hello there |
/query [nick] | opens a new window for private dialog with a nick | /query pipur |
/nick [newnick] | if I wanted to change my current nick, pipurur, to pipur, I would use this command | /nick pipur |
/me [action describe] | If pipur typed this example, it would be displayed as *pipur waves to Alleghany | /me waves to Alleghany |
/away [away message] | use to tell others you are not currently at your computer. A message can be included. To set yourself back, type /away again. | /away checking mail! |
/list | requests a list of currently formed channels from the server. The listing you request is not updated until you issue the request again. | /list |
/invite [nick] [#] | use to invite a nick who is elsewhere on IRC to join you on a channel. | /invite pipur #newbies |
/ignore [nick/address] | use to prevent someone from talking to you. The persons nick or address may be used. | /ignore pipur |
/kick [#] [nick] | used to kick a user from the channel. You must be a channel op to use this command. | /kick #newbies pipur |
/mode [nick] +i | This is the invisible mode. You are not literally invisible on IRC. Users on the same channel as you still see you there.You are invisible to a user who does a /who or /names. A /whois nick, however, will show your user information and the channels you're on. | /mode pipur +i |