=== Email Commenters === Contributors: joostdevalk Donate link: http://yoast.com/donate/ Tags: SEO, permalinks Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.0 stable tag: 1.1 Gives a simple mailto: link on top of a post for logged in admins, to email all commenters on a post, and adds an email link in the edit comments page, to easily email a commenter with a link to the post he commented on. == Description == Sometimes you want an easy way to e-mail all the people who commented on a certain post. Up till now that took a bit of work, now it's as easy as installing this plugin, and clicking the link you'll get on the top of each post labeled "Mail the commenters on this post". You can also do the same from the edit comments page for single commenters. * [Email Commenters](http://yoast.com/wordpress/email-commenters/). * Read more about [WordPress SEO](http://yoast.com/articles/wordpress-seo/) so you can get the most out of this plugin. * Check out the other [Wordpress plugins](http://yoast.com/wordpress/) by the same author. == Changelog == = 1.1 = * Added e-mail link on edit-comments page, which will send email with subject and link to the post that was commented on. * Tiny code clean ups. * Namespaced functions with yoast_ to prevent function name collisions. = 1.0 = * Changed handling of email. * Moved button to top right of post page. * Added button to plugin. = 0.2 = * Initial release. == Installation == Installation: 1. Unzip the `email-commenters.zip` file. 1. Upload the the `email-commenters` folder (not just the files in it!) to your `wp-contents/plugins` folder. Activate: 1. In your WordPress administration, go to the Plugins page 1. Activate the Email Commenters plugin. 1. Look at your posts, you should have a new icon there. If you find any bugs or have any ideas, please mail me.