=== MailPress === Contributors: andre renaut Donate link: http://www.mailpress.org/wiki Tags: mail, mails, comments, comment, subscribe, newsletters, newsletter, Wordpress, Plugin, swiftmailer, post, posts, smtp, sendmail, phpmail, notification, notifications, mail, mails, contact form Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: 5.0.1 The WordPress mailing platform as of 2010/10/26 reported by wordpress.org, you are around 15 000 to use this plugin Your donations are welcomed ! == Description == **in 5.0.1, mp-content/advanced/newsletters : xml format has changed** 1. Style your html and plain text mails with dedicated themes and templates. 1. Double opt-in subscription. 1. Subscriptions to Comments, Newsletters/Post notifications and even to Mailing lists. 1. Newsletters/Post notifications on a per post, daily, weekly, monthly basis. 1. Optional : full control on all mails sent by WordPress. **Follow Installation or Upgrade guidelines** **Never use WordPress automatic upgrade :** you will loose the customized content of mailpress/mp-content and mailpress/tmp folders ! Some technical stuff : 1. Switmailer 4.0.6 1. jQuery 1.4 supported. 1. Google Map API V3 supported. 1. Code Mirror 0.9 1. Optional : possibility to externalize and/or rename the mp-content folder using an optional mailpress-config.php file. Some bugs fixed of course (see changelog) Please report any bug in the mailpress google group http://groups.google.com/group/mailpress starting your subject title with : "(MailPress 5.0)". Thank you == Installation == 1. Make sure you have already installed WordPress 3.0 or above. 1. Unzip the MailPress package. 1. Upload the mailpress folder into wp-content/plugins. 1. Make sure the wp-content/plugins/mailpress/tmp folder is writable. 1. Log in to your WordPress admin and point your browser to "Plugins" page. 1. Activate MailPress plugin. 1. Point your browser to "Plugins > MailPress Add-ons" and activate required/desired add-ons. 1. Point your browser to "Settings > MailPress", fill and save the settings for each tab (General, (Connection to your mail server), Test, ... add-ons). 1. Once everything is installed, use the Test tab in "Settings > MailPress" to validate your settings. == Upgrade Notice == **Never use WordPress automatic upgrade** : you will loose the content of mailpress/mp-content and mailpress/tmp folders ! **in 5.0.1, mp-content/advanced/newsletters : xml format has changed** 1. Point your browser to "Plugins > MailPress Add-ons" page and deactivate all add ons. 1. Point your browser to "Plugins" page and deactivate MailPress plugin. 1. Save mailpress/tmp folder + your MP theme + any customized file in mailpress/mp-content/advanced (since 5.0.1, xml format in mp-content/advanced/newsletters has changed). 1. Delete wp-content/plugins/mailpress folder. 1. Unzip the MailPress package. 1. Upload the mailpress folder into wp-content/plugins. 1. Make sure the wp-content/plugins/mailpress/tmp folder is writable. 1. Restore mailpress/tmp folder + your MP theme + any customized file in mailpress/mp-content/advanced (since 5.0.1, xml format in mp-content/advanced/newsletters has changed). 1. If you implemented page or category template, upgrade from mailpress/mp-content/xtras folder if necessary. 1. Refresh "Plugins" page and activate MailPress plugin. 1. Activate MailPress previous add-ons (Plugins > MailPress Add-ons) + new ones such as Newsletter or Comment if previously used. MailPress themes and templates do not need to be changed if customized in a previous MailPress release. == Frequently Asked Questions == * see wiki page http://www.mailpress.org/wiki == Screenshots == 1. none == Changelog == ** 5.0.1 ** 01/12/2010 Changes & Enhancements : **in 5.0.1, mp-content/advanced/newsletters : xml format has changed** * end of support for default and classic themes. * new mail status : archived, only available for mails with status 'sent' + new dashboard widget + wp page template sample (mailpress/mp-content/xtras/archives) * new functions in Mail api : $this->the_subject(); $this->get_the_subject(); * MailPress now supports Google Map API V3. 'google map api key' in general settings suppressed ! * all themes reviewed (HTML5). * theme selection in 'MailPress test' metabox * wp_enqueue scripts for MailPress subscription form available (see mailpress/mailpress-config-sample.php). * (bug fix) ajax for widget requires home url instead of site url ! * (bug fix) is_email (javascript) : uppercase allowed in local part of email * (bug fix) dashboard widget init var (subscriber activity) * (bug fix) tracking widget url for os & browser icons * (bug fix) remove edited mailinglist from parent list * (bug fix) MailPress wp_mail now supports attachments * (bug fix) provider Infosniper discarded. 1. ! New add-on ! Name_fields : to generate custom fields based on subscriber's name (original idea of Graham) 1. Autoresponder * autoresponders scheduled with month : 0, day : 0, hour : 0 are now send directly (no wp_cron scheduling). 1. Form * field_types : ** (all) : code reviewed ** captcha_gd2 : words files (en, es, fr) reviewed ** geotag : support of Google Static Maps API V2 * minor change on tab orders for form settings * due to support of Google Static Maps API V2, no more maps stored in tmp folder. * (bug fix) deleting related fields when deleting a form + adding primary keys on related mysql tables. 1. Mailing list * can subscribe to default mailing list * two new autoresponder events (subscribe/unsubscribe to specific mailing list) 1. Newsletter **mp-content/advanced/newsletters : xml format has changed** * new settings for processors to define the beginning of a period of time to select posts (day, week, month) * schedulers & processors reviewed 1. Post * manual template simplified and called only if posts attached to the mail. 1. Tracking_ga * (bug fix) anchor bug fixed ! 1. Tracking_rewrite_url * (bug fix) support of home and site urls ! 1. Others : Import, Ip, Tracking ... * code review in mp-includes/class/options ** 5.0 ** 06/13/2010 Changes & Enhancements : 1. Add-ons specific admin page (Plugins > MailPress Add-ons) * for developpers, more info in mp-content/add-ons/readme.txt 1. Comment * becomes an autonomous add-on * Settings > MailPress > subscriptions shows a disabled checked option as a reminder * Subscriber to comments to a post now have a link to manage their subscriptions instead of a checked box. 1. Newsletter * becomes an autonomous add-on * newsletter declarations are now stored in xml files (mp-content/newsletters). 1. Mailing lists * list code review. fixes several bugs since 4.0.2 released Nov 17, 2009 : 1. bounces : * (bug fix) code sequence changed for connect/disconnect to db 1. pluggable : * (bug fix) password reset was not working : invalid link 1. tracking : * (bug fix) better detections of links to track. * (bug fix) mp-admin/includes/settings/tracking.php : php syntax error. * (bug fix) changing '&' to '&' before storing original link. * (bug fix) tallying opened + clicked per day. 1. mail links * (review) mp-includes/class/MP_Mail_links.class.php 1. Dashboard widgets : * (bug fix) subscriber activity. * code review for some widgets using google charts. **Please Donate** https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=andre%2erenaut%40gmail%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=MailPress&item_number=gg&amount=5%2e00¤cy_code=EUR¤cy_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest