=== Newsletter Meenews === Contributors: Daniel perez, Tierravirtual.com Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6678255 Tags: Newsletter, newsletter, opt-in, email marketing, newsletter plugin, plugin, user list, emailing, newsletter form, manager newsletter, phplist, mailpress, mailchimp, plugin newsletter, send newsletter, newsletter sender, subscribers Requires at least: 2.7.0 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: 5.0 Plugin to send newsletters, manage lists of subscribers, shipping selective, choosing the post and send personalized messages. With this plugin you can manage Newsletter, lists, subscriptores, customize colors, background, fonts, font size, newsletter tested and estable. The best newsletter plugin of wordpress. Create, customize and send your newsletter in a second. Looking for simple HTML email templates that don't break? Here are two basic, flexible templates that you can use to get started. They've been tested to render properly in all the major email programs, like Outlook 2007, Lotus Notes, Gmail, and more. == Description == Create, customize and send your newsletter in a second. Plugin to send newsletters, manage lists of subscribers, shipping selective, choosing the post and send personalized messages. With this plugin you can manage Newsletter, lists, subscriptores, customize colors, background, fonts, font size, newsletter tested and estable. The best newsletter plugin of wordpress. Looking for simple HTML email templates that don't break? Here are two basic, flexible templates that you can use to get started. They've been tested to render properly in all the major email programs, like Outlook 2007, Lotus Notes, Gmail, and more. With this plugin you will be able to send newsletter's with diferent themes and customizable colors, images, headers, text size's and colors , etc. Create your lists, manage your users, postings to a mailing list specifically targeted. Enter the post you want with or without a photo, select it yourself. Wp-Newsletter is a free wordpress plugin, these are the characteristics: - Complet Statistics. - Widget for simple instalation. - Simple installation. - Completely Customizable, with the coolest design. - Add yours email lists or a subscribers list. - Clean and user friendly interface. - Add your existing posts. - Without programming knowledge. - Available in 4 languages (English - Spanish - German - Italian) - With 2 different themes ready to use. For commercial use, there are 2 plugins available: Commercial for just one project, and Premium for all the projects that you need! Please visit http://wwww.wp-newsletter.com System recommandations: WordPress 2.7 or higher. PHP version 4.4.2 or higher. MySQL version 4.1 or higher. == Installation == To install the newsletter plugin: Don't forget to read how to install, in the documentation section. http://www.wp-newsletter.com 1. Upload `meenews` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress ( activate MeeNews Plugin ). 3. Gives write permissions to the directory to be able to upload custom headers and custom buttons also 4. Use our widget to put subscription form where you want == Frequently Asked Questions == A question that someone might have how translate the plugin? The plugin detect you wordpress language ( english default ) **spanish** como traduzco el plugin ? El plugin esta traducido en 4 idiomas y detecta automaticamente el idioma de tu wordpress == Screenshots == 1. Statistics newsletter 2. Modify Front End form subscribers 3. Modify colors and sizes, and select or not images 4. Manage List 5. Example newsletter 6. Other example 7. Modify newsletter header, and title and background color == Changelog == Leer **[Readme > Changelog](http://www.wp-newsletter.com/)**.