=== Recent Comments with Avatars === Contributors: peterwsterling Donate link: http://www.sterling-adventures.co.uk/blog/2009/01/01/recent-comments-with-avatars-plugin/ Author URI: http://www.sterling-adventures.co.uk/ Plugin URI: http://www.sterling-adventures.co.uk/blog/2009/01/01/recent-comments-with-avatars-plugin/ Tags: avatars, comments Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 2.8 Stable tag: trunk This plug-in provides a configurable widget to display recent comments with comment author avatars. == Description == Once the widget is added to your sidebar you may easily configure it to provide a display of recent comments with comment author avatars. The options are: The style of the output may be controlled with simple CSS rules that need to be included in your styles.css template file. The container (i.e. <ul> or <table>) has the id recentcomments (use CSS .recentcomments). List items (i.e. <li>) have the class recentcomments (use CSS #recentcomments). == Installation == * Put the complete plug-in folder into your WordPress plug-in directory (if this doesn't make sense it probably isn't something you should be trying) and activate it. * Go to your Appearance » Widgets page and include Recent Comments in your sidebar. * Use the configuration options to set up your widget to display recent comments as you like... ;-) * Optionally, to use the comment flag options, the following notes must be completed... Flag installation notes Modify your theme to show country flags in main comment loops, you must make this change to your comments.php theme template file. Change wp_list_comments(); to sa_comment_list_with_flag();. And you must import the wp_iptocountry.sql file into your MySQL WordPress database.