=== Wordpress Video Plugin ===
Contributors: daburna
Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YFLULRR6CR99G
Tags: embedding, Video, embed, portal, Youtube, Sevenload, Google, MyVideo, Clipfish, Revver, Yahoo!, Brightcove, Aniboom, MSN, Liveleak, Collegehumor, slideshare, guba, GoalVideoz
Requires at least: 2.0.0
Tested up to: 3.1.2
Stable tag: 0.755
A filter for WordPress that displays videos from many video services.
== Description ==
A filter for WordPress that allows easy video embedding of supported sites. Support for 65 different video sites.
The following sites are supported:
* 123video.nl
* Aniboom
* Blip.tv
* Break
* Brightcove
* Cellfish
* Clipfish
* Clipsyndicate
* Collegehumor
* ComedyCentral.com
* current.com
* D1G.com
* dotSUB
* Facebook
* Flickr Video
* FunnyorDie.com
* GameTrailers
* GameVideos
* Generic Flash
* Glumbert
* GoalVideoz
* Google Video
* Grouper
* Guba
* Hamburg1 Video
* hulu
* ISeeIt.TV
* Jumpcut
* Kewego
* Last.fm
* LiveLeak
* Metacafe
* Mncast.com
* Mojvideo.com
* MQSTO.com
* MyspaceTV
* MyVideo
* Novamov
* OnSMASH.com
* reason.tv
* ReelzChannel
* Revver
* screencast-o-matic.com
* Sevenload
* slideshare.com
* smotri.com
* Sumo.tv
* teachertube
* Trilulilu
* Tu.tv
* UnCut
* Veoh
* Videotube
* Vimeo
* Vsocial
* vzaar.com
* Wandeo
* wat.tv
* Yahoo! Video
* Youreporter
* Youtube
* Youtube Playlist
== Installation ==
Copy the file videos.php into the wp-content/plugins folder of your WordPress installation.
After that go to Administration page, choose Plugins. Wordpress Video Plugin should be in the list.
Activtate it.
== Using the plugin ==
You can find the freshest instruction here: http://www.daburna.de/dokuwiki/doku.php/instruction.
Please tell me your wishes: http://www.daburna.de/dokuwiki/doku.php/wishlist.
- every occurence of the expression [myvideo id width height] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the MyVideo id. For the URL
http://www.myvideo.de/watch/366128, the id part is 366128
- every occurence of the expression [youtube id] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the youtube id. For the URL
http://youtube.com/watch?v=83FWE_qBudU, the id part is 83FWE_qBudU
The default width and height is definded in "define("YOUTUBE_WIDTH", 425)" and
"define("YOUTUBE_HEIGHT", 350)". To change the default size, simply edit the
values. Additionally you can add the desired width and height to the expression
seperated by spaces (i.e. [youtube id 300 150].
For the URL http://youtube.com/watch?v=83FWE_qBudU, the id part is 83FWE_qBudU,
so a valid tag would be "[youtube 83FWE_qBudU]" or for a smaller player size then
the default dimensions "[youtube 83FWE_qBudU 210 175]"
google video:
- every occurence of the expression [google id] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the google video id. For the URL
http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=5024787479139933029, the id part is 5024787479139933029
- every occurence of the expression [clipfish id width height] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the clipfish id. For the URL
http://www.clipfish.de/channel/253/video/2834485/das-schaeferlied-von-schaefer-heinrich/, the id part is 2834485
- every occurence of the expression [sevenload id] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the sevenload id. For the URL
http://sevenload.de/videos/8A6KASF-arif-playback, the id part is 8A6KASF
- every occurence of the expression [dailymotion id] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the dailymotion id or the video URL (both works).
The default width and height is definded in "define("DAILYMOTION_WIDTH", 420)" and
"define("DAILYMOTION_HEIGHT", 336)". To change the default size, simply edit the
values. Additionally you can add the desired width and height to the expression
seperated by spaces (i.e. [dailymotion id 300 150].
For the URL http://dailymotion.com/video/xbxov2_hello-geekette, the id part is xbxov2,
so a valid tag would be "[dailymotion xbxov2]" or even "[dailymotion http://dailymotion.com/video/xbxov2_hello-geekette]
or for a smaller player size then the default dimensions "[dailymotion xbxov2 210 175]"
- every occurence of the expression [break id] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the Break id. It is a little bit difficult to get
the id. You will find it, when you copy the video code for an embeded player. Look for this line:
, there you can find the id: MjI2NTkx
- every occurence of the expression [metacafe id] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the Metacafe id. For the URL
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/427425/boulot/, the id part is 427425
- every occurence of the expression [vimeo id width height] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the Vimeo id. For the URL
http://www.vimeo.com/138920, the id part is 138920
- every occurence of the expression [videotube id] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the Videotube id. For the URL
http://www.videotube.de/ci/page/player/527, the id part is 527
- every occurence of the expression [bliptv id width height] (case unsensitive) will start as
an embedded flash player. Replace "id" with the Blip.tv id. You will find it,
when you copy the video code for an embeded player. Look for this line: