Version 5.0.1

the WordPress mailing platform

First Things First

Welcome. MailPress is a very special project to me and I'm proud to be a part of it ;-). Lot of hours have gone into MailPress, and I am dedicated to making it better every day. Thank you for making it part of your world.

— André Renaut

System requirements

MailPress 5.0.1 is using swiftmailer 4.0.6.


  1. Make sure you have already installed WordPress 3.0 or above.
  2. Unzip the MailPress package.
  3. Upload the mailpress folder into wp-content/plugins.
  4. Make sure the wp-content/plugins/mailpress/tmp folder is writable.
  5. Log in to your WordPress admin and point your browser to "Plugins" page.
  6. Activate MailPress plugin.
  7. Point your browser to "Plugins > MailPress Add-ons" and activate required/desired add-ons.
  8. Point your browser to "Settings > MailPress", fill and save the settings for each tab (General, Connection to your mail server, Test, ... add-ons).
  9. Once everything is installed, use the Test tab in "Settings > MailPress" to validate your settings.


Never use WordPress automatic upgrade : you will loose the content of mailpress/mp-content and mailpress/tmp folders !

Xml format has changed in 5.0.1, for mp-content/advanced/newsletters files.

  1. Point your browser to "Plugins > MailPress Add-ons" page and deactivate all add ons.
  2. Point your browser to "Plugins" page and deactivate MailPress plugin.
  3. Save mailpress/tmp folder + your MP theme + any customized file in mailpress/mp-content/advanced (since 5.0.1, xml format changed in mp-content/advanced/newsletters).
  4. Delete wp-content/plugins/mailpress folder.
  5. Unzip the MailPress package.
  6. Upload the mailpress folder into wp-content/plugins.
  7. Make sure the wp-content/plugins/mailpress/tmp folder is writable.
  8. Restore mailpress/tmp folder + your MP theme + any customized file in mailpress/mp-content/advanced (since 5.0.1, xml format changed in mp-content/advanced/newsletters).
  9. If you implemented page or category template, upgrade from mailpress/mp-content/xtras folder if necessary.
  10. Refresh "Plugins" page and activate MailPress plugin.
  11. Activate MailPress previous add-ons (Plugins > MailPress Add-ons) + new ones such as Newsletter or Comment if previously used.

MailPress themes and templates do not need to be changed if customized in a previous MailPress release.

Upgrading from another system

MailPress can import the emails stored in another system.
First you need to get MailPress installed and working as described above.
To finally import your emails into MailPress, you will need to use the Import add-on.
You have developped your own importer and you think it can be useful to the MailPress community, let us know.


If you have any questions that aren't addressed in this document, please take advantage of MailPress numerous online resources:

Read the readme.txt of MailPress
Plugin wiki
Bookmark and check often.
MailPress google group
The MailPress google group. See the Welcome page.

Some Add-ons

Final notes

Share the Love

MailPress has no multi-million euro marketing campaign or celebrity sponsors, but do have something even better—you. If you enjoy MailPress please consider telling a friend, setting it up for someone less knowledgable than yourself, or writing a post on MailPress.